Behind The Board – Website Updating & Other Things 5-30-2012

Well, here is our new, improved, and totally incomplete webpage. Our original blog posts disappeared during the change over. Now it’s back and forth between our host service and the original website software company. Hopefully soon we can put those old posts back up.

Meanwhile, we’re getting ready for a few upcoming events. The one that seems most fun will be the next NEXT Charity Concert Series show on June 8th. This one is going to have a some changes to it’s normal shows. It will be outdoors for one. Right at PCTV’s  studios in Pleasantville, NY. The show is going to be on TV. This adds to our technical challenge a tiny bit. We’ll need to have a mix good enough for TV and the audience in two positions. 

Only one band this time and they’re a good choice! Robbers On High Street. They will be releasing their newest CD at this event! Check the Facebook event page here for more information.