Behind The Board – A Look Into BNK’s Past (Originally Posted 05/16/2012)

Back in August of 2008 BNK Productions (then known as Rack Productions) held an event to help raise money for and awareness of breast cancer. The even was known as The Local Ladies Of Music Showcase and was an official Koment CT For The Cure event. This was a landmark happening in Stamford, CT with large media attention, including radio and tv, and raising thousands of dollars for the fight against breast cancer. We invited 5 female (or female fronted) acts of different genres to perform in front of a large crowd of women and men of different ages. We still celebrate the major success of this show and continue to use it as a model of how we promote and organize future shows. But to me the biggest success was how many young women were reached by this. I personally was approached quite a few times by women who wanted to know more about how to self check and what to do next. We were happy to have the  good people of Komen CT there to help educate them at the show.

The entire performance was recorded for future use. Of which four clips were placed on YouTube getting thousands of views. We’ve decided to move those videos over to our new YouTube channel and deleting the original account. So now they’ll start a new view count in a better channel. Three of the videos are of singer/songwriter Hillary Johnson and her powerful voice. The last video is of Terri Lane, an amazing CT talent with amazing vocal prowess. Below is one  of the Hillary Johnson videos. You may check out the rest at



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